Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Democratic leader takes first stab at Alito nomination

Coolest Mormon Ever! Him and Dale Murphy.
First, the President’s selection of Judge Alito was not at all the product of consultation with Senate Democrats. On two prior occasions President Bush invited me and Senator Leahy to the White House to discuss the future of the Supreme Court.
But this time, instead of an invitation to the White House, I received nothing more than a pro forma telephone call about an hour before the President announced his choice of Judge Alito.
President searched the country and was unable to find a qualified female nominee. But maybe he was unable to find a qualified female nominee who happened to satisfy the far right wing of the Republican Party.
Let’s not sugarcoat the truth: the nomination of Harriet Miers was derailed by the overwhelming opposition of right wing activists.
When exactly will Harriet Miers receive her up or down vote?
The White House made a half-hearted effort to argue that the Miers nomination was withdrawn in the face of an impasse over what documents would be provided to the Senate. That is a pretext, a laughable cover story.
Harriet Miers was forced to withdraw by conservative activists who want to change the legal landscape of America. They decided she was inadequately radical or insufficiently aggressive for their purposes, so they gave her the boot.
For the past fifteen years, Judge Alito has been one of the most conservative federal judges in the country.
In Bray v. Marriott Hotels, his colleagues said Title VII of the Civil Right Act “would be eviscerated” if Judge Alito’s approach were followed.

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