First, I want to say an early HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Matt (The Matador) DeFilippis, DBT's sound man extraordinaire and to Sloan Simpson of Southern Shelter.
On to the show....
Sunday, March 4, 2007:
Deryle Perryman and Moises Gonazles' documentary on Eddie Hinton, titled Dangerous Highway was shown at the NoisePop Festival two weeks ago. The viewing occurred at the Artists Television Access Center, located in San Francisco's Mission District.... where the hairstyles cost 20 times the wardrobe and hipster doofusism is alive and well (my apologies to all of my Mish brothas and sistas out there, but, come on, you know the hipster doofus label applies.... not that there's anything wrong with it!)
The memories are already a bit blurry (yeah, I know its only been two weeks, but, I work on limited RAM).
Showtime was 2 p.m. and I headed down to the Mission early in order to secure tickets.
The lovely and talented Sheryl Gould of Rock Candy Jewelry Design met me at the venue.
I introduced myself to Deryle and Moises a few minutes before show time. I'd never met Deryle before, so all I did was listen for that northern Alabama accent. Sure enough, I found him through his voice.
Deryle is originally from Florence, Alabama. He went to Coffee High School with a few of my relatives. (I attend Coffee many, MANY years later). More on Deryle and Moises and the documentary here, here and here.
My very short review on the documentary:
A fantastic look into the life and times of not only Eddie Hinton, but the remarkable music scene that occurred in Northwest Alabama during the last half of the twentieth century. Interviews with Jimmy Johnson, David Hood (hell, about all the Swampers) Dick Cooper (a lot of time is spent with Dick Cooper, who sports a Muscle Shoals Sound t-shirt through-out the doc) and a ton of other historical figures from that time and region. The accents were very familiar and comforting and the stories were sometimes sad but often very funny. Not only are these men able to produce amazing music, they are first class story tellers as well.
Speaking of amazing story tellers, Patterson Hood is prominent in the doc. Patterson explains the history as it was passed down to him and clarified many a thing for me that Patterson sings about in Sandwiches for the Road, DBT's song about Eddie.
We saw the 75 minute version of the doc, but other versions have been up to 105 minutes.
It was a great watch on a great, but troubled musician who, like many a talent before and after, passed way before his time.
I'll keep you posted in the event the documentary becomes available for purchase.
Excellent work, Deryle and Moises. I tip my hat to both of you!
Deryle before the screening
Deryle and Moises at the after party
The documentary wasn't the only treat in store that day. The fine folks at the record labels Jackpine Social Club, Well Worn Records, and the NoisePop folks hosted an Eddie Hinton Tribute after party at Annie's Social Club.
Sheryl and I hopped a cab to Annie's with Nick Tangborn, owner of the record label Jackpine Social Club and who also spent the past week awake working on the formal launch of the BitTorrent website (Nick, you brought back so many memories of the Dot-Com heydays of working 100 hours non stop and highly intoxicated. Ah, those raucous late Nineties). Also, Nick's lovely partner Rosemarry Pepper (best name evah) was along for the ride. Rosemary was a main power that be'd for the NoisePop festival. Absolutely lovely people both and it was a pleasure to meet and hang out with 'em. Good damn peoples.
In the cab ride, Nick told me the story of how Spooner Oldham got his nick-name. Really funny stuff.
Once we arrived at Annie's we met up with Sheryl's friend Shana with her bud from New York, James.
Outside Annie's Pre-show

This velvet Elvis was first thing I saw upon entering Annie's. Apparently, a girl who works/owns/really not sure of her titled, is a velvet painter and she had some incredible nekkid lady velvets that, for some stupid reason, I didn't take a picture of.
The Crowd Gathers.
The lights are dimmed.
Here is the line-up of musicians for the tribute:
Mike Therieau Band (Featuring Dave Gleason)
Ray (featuring Chuck Prophet, Eric Moffit, Jon Weiss, Pete Straus)
Bart Davenport
Chris Von Sneidern
Tom Heyman
Eric Shea (ex-Mover, ex-Parchman Farm)
I got to hang out and chat with Mike Therieau, who gave me one of his excellent CDs when the night ended. Also, with Tom Heyman, who also gave me one of his excellent CDs, titled Deliver Me.
Here's a neat story about Tom Heyman. I stepped outside during a break in the music with Nick and Tom Heyman to smoke a grit. The conversation was of course, music. Tom mentioned that he was from Philly originally and I mentioned that I was very much into a Philly band at the moment called Marah. Nick laughs and points at Tom and says that Tom briefly played with Marah in the late 90's. Small musical world, it tis.
The night was filled with great music, great conversation, a great new friends. The perfect evening.
New West Recording artist Chuck Prophet
Raffle winner.
If you've never listened to Mike Therieau, you should definitely go grab his album titled 'Living from a Suitcase'. Mike has got a great blues/rock voice and all involved are incredible musicians. My favorite song off the album is 'Midnight Apt. #9 Blues'.
Pat Johnson and Mike Therieau
The next few pictures were when I turned Sheryl loose with the camera. I flipped the flash on 'cause I figured the artist wouldn't get mad at Sheryl flashing them. Me, they'd get mad. Sheryl, not so much.
I'm at a lost for the key board player's name but I was told he's toured with The Counting Crowes and Bryan Adams.
It was a great occasion, particularly having some home cooking in San Francisco. The documentary and the music made me feel like I was back in the Tennessee Valley along the Singing River.
Thanks to all involved!
Always love the 'blogurockumentaries'! Holy Chuck Prophet. I used to listen to tons of Green on Red back when I was young and impressionable. Eddie Hinton is new to me, I will have to check him out as I have great faith in your musical taste.
Hey townser, my friend. Thanks for the kind words and I'm probably going to rip off 'blogurockumentry' from you at a later date. :-D
Chuch was great but I was really blown away from Mike Therieau.
Check out Eddie, definitely. I got him through DBT... more specifically, through DBT's sound man Matt, who plays some Hinton preshow all the time. I was never much of an old 60's blues fan, but Eddie does it all and was a musical genius.
No problem, I have not trade marked the term yet!
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