Had an awesome trip to Birmingham on Black Friday to see DBT play. Twas Pat and Cooley's 20th anniversary and annual after Thanksgiving show. I went down to B-ham from Huntsville with a couple of folks who have intimate knowledge of both Pat and Cooley. One of them even played with both Adam's Housecat and Stained Mecca the night the tornadoes hit my hometown, though he wasn't sucked out of the auditorium. I heard tales of Pat getting his affection for 3 hours shows from Bruce Springsteen. I heard tales of Cooley riding a mechanical bull. My brother-in-law attended The Salem Church of Christ and wondered if he might of dated the sister who was puttin' that sweet stuff on everybody in town but Cooley. We looked for the house that Southern Rock Opera was recorded in but we couldn't find it. There were other stories told that just can't be communicated on a blog. MB and CH, thanks for a great time and some great stories!
I think DBT is perfectly suited for venues that hold a thousand or more. They really fill the space. Awesome crowd at the Alabama. It was great to see that much support in the home state.
Nice article on Pat - Fresh Out The Frying Pan Thanks for the head's up on this one, Jenn.
Some of the pics are blurry but I swear they looked fine when I took them.
P.S. I caught a glimpse of the ever elusive and sometimes mythical Jenn Bryant after the show was over. I tried to take a pic but she moves like a cat and was quickly swept away by her pick-up chariot. You rock, Jenn!
Picking up the tickets. Thanks, Jenn!

The Marquee at night. Met a couple of boys from the Free State of Winston under the Marquee who claimed to be Hoods. One of 'em said his ex-wife was the sister of a girlfriend of Ronnie Van Zant. Damn, we Southerners can craft a tale. "It ain't lying if you believe it".

The inside of the Alabama Theatre

Proscenium Arch

A little funked-up washboard from N.M.A.

Let There Be Rock!

Best Story-teller in the business

The Pride of Greenhill on the Piano? Sweet!

Pat and Cooley looking tenderly at each other. Awwww!

New Papa, From Tuscumbia Alabama, The Stroker Ace!!!

20 Years of Kick Ass Music

Luther Dickinson from the North Mississippi Allstars joins the band for the finale.

Count 'em. 4 Guitar Attack!!!

Take a bow! Thank you, DBT!!!

The Marquee at night. Met a couple of boys from the Free State of Winston under the Marquee who claimed to be Hoods. One of 'em said his ex-wife was the sister of a girlfriend of Ronnie Van Zant. Damn, we Southerners can craft a tale. "It ain't lying if you believe it".

The inside of the Alabama Theatre

Proscenium Arch

A little funked-up washboard from N.M.A.

Let There Be Rock!

Best Story-teller in the business

The Pride of Greenhill on the Piano? Sweet!

Pat and Cooley looking tenderly at each other. Awwww!

New Papa, From Tuscumbia Alabama, The Stroker Ace!!!

20 Years of Kick Ass Music

Luther Dickinson from the North Mississippi Allstars joins the band for the finale.

Count 'em. 4 Guitar Attack!!!

Take a bow! Thank you, DBT!!!

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