Jason Isbell - Whiskey Business
Hood discussed several aspects of the industry including touring, merchandising, negotiating record deals and booking shows.
"“Warner Brothers doesn’t have an office on Clayton Street, and that was an attraction for me moving here,” Hood said. “I thought I could move to Athens and just record records myself. The longer you can do it yourself, the better."
Drive-By Truckers Bring Musical 'Blessings'When did you know that music was going to be part of your life forever?
From the start. I didn’t think of it as something that could be a career, initially, because I was just five or six. I probably wanted to be an astronaut or a fireman. Music was just going to be something I always did. I figured out when I was a teenager that you could actually make money doing it, which is still strange to me.
Kind of like getting paid to breathe?
Right. Or even more like getting paid to masturbate.
Here is the track list for "A Blessing and a Curse":
"Feb. 14"
"Gravity's Gone"
"Easy on Yourself"
"Aftermath USA"
"Little Bonnie"
"Space City"
"A Blessing and a Curse"
"A World of Hurt"
Thanks to Jenn over at Drive-by Truckers for the articles.
Cheers for the link to the Isbell interview. It was pretty fucking funny after having a couple at the bar and another getting the computer warmed up.
Remember, Mr. BnH:
Whiskey BEFORE Beer, never fear
Beer before Whiskey, mighty risky!
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