The intertubes are popping with TDU goodness....
Patterson's Gibson Blog
Been gone just two weeks and a day on what has been about a perfect tour. Easily my favorite in some time, a view that is unanimous on board.The Dirt Underneath has been our little experiment in public reinvention, as we have worked-up and been playing eleven new songs as we prepare to record them and some others next month for our eighth album.
Two killer fuckin' nights in San Fran! Blew my mind how good it was. - SouthernFriedCanuck (who also posted a good, long review. Check it)
These two shows were the BEST thing I've seen EVER!
Great, Great Venue!,Tremendous Crowd, and well, the Band KILLED! - PeterG
I can't get over how beautiful it was to see these shows acoustic and how powerfully the craftsmanship of the song writing came through. - miss jayne
I would definately vote Cooly for president. - scott baxendale
Nine Bullets - Pics from Athens
Nine Bullets - The Dirt Underneath - Night 1 - 4/27/2007
Nine Bullets - Boulder Night 1
Nine Bullets - Boulder Pics
Nine Bullets - Aspen Pics
Nine Bullets - Thoughts on Sante Fe and Tucson
TDU discussions are popping up on several boards. Here are the fine folks on Phil Lesh's dicussion board. It's worth the registration to go read these threads. Some high praise coming out of the PhilZone.
Philzone Phansite Discussion Board: My trip to the Bay Area-DBT Review:
"Patterson seems ready to take on the world right now. "
"John Neff=MVP of the Dirt Underneath"
"Secondly, there isn't a band that has made me this excited about music in a very, very long time. I loved seeing the Q, but this is a different animal. They are making new music and heading in a new direction, all while keeping a firm grip on the tradition and history that has made them one of the best bands out there.... and when you add Neff and his pedal steel playing along with Brad and Shonna holding down the bottom end, you have one of the finest damn rock bands in al the land.
Drive By Truckers, Fox, Boulder 05/13/07
Drive By Truckers, Fox, Boulder 05/12/07
Drive By Truckers, GAMH, 5/8/07
Tea Leaf Green fans also were in attendance.
Tea Leaf Green :: View topic - DBT - The Dirt Underneath
"The pedal steel was erie, awesome, strong, heartbreaking and lovely all at once. Patterson Hood is captivating to listen to, playing guitar, speaking and singing. He gave the back-story about some of the songs before they played. I remember the lyric with a chorus with "I ain't got no good intentions!" - it really stuck with me."
"Gawd I love these guys. Just oozing with soul and passion. Can't beat that southern drawl either... "
But, I do have to clarify a the following misconception from our Tea Leaf Green friends:
"and the schtick about passing the bottle of jack around the stage all night was fun until it hit me that they were mostly all faking it. "
Ummmm, there ain't no faking of the boozing and I'll support my argument with pictures....

What's Cooley reachin' for?


Shonna's searchin' for somethin' but what's she searchin' for....?

Found it!

Truckers don't 'play' drink, y'all.
On a much more serious note.... Give, y'all:
dbts : Message: My Grandson Jacob
I wanted to pass this along to my fellow dbt brothers and sisters. Please remember my precious grandson, Jacob, in your thoughts. Though his life was short, he brought joy to this world and was,of course, a dbt fan. He loved to roll around on the floor while I played my guitar for him. I wrote him a song, "Roll,Roll,Jacob." Just a simple little tune with either 3,2,, or 1 chord and usually in E major. It could then evolve into several variations of dbt songs before returning to "Roll,Roll,Jacob."
If you can help with a donation that would be cool. If not, please remember Jacob in your thoughts. I had planned to bring him to a show this June in Myrtle Beach but he didn't make it. He did get to go to the South Carolina spring football game. Thanks.
My grandson Jacob lost his battle and passed away last Friday night. He was born with Spina Bifida and Arnold Chiari Malformation. We just couldn't conduct enough car washes or sell enough doughnuts to raise the $200,000 for him to receive more surgery. He was on
Medicaid so many doctors just turned us away and private insurance would not cover him. All this in the "wealthiest", "pro-life" country which spends $10 billion per month murdering innocent human beings. All this in a country where the president vetoes funds for stem cell research. Thanks for the love and support. We now have to raise $850 for them to didg his grave and a $1700 deposit for the funeral home. This will still leave a huge balance just to lay him to rest. This is due to the fact that he was "uninsurable" to the wonderful insurance companies. Anyone who wishes to contribute can donate to the same page. Any donations would be appreciated. There is also a link on the Head On main page.
There is also a link on the Head On main page.
Here's a link to his obituary and guest book.
Below is a rough cut I made about Jacob.
David Rosser
Jayne's Corner
dbts : Message: DBT Up for Blog Award:
"DBT's A Blessing and A Curse album is nominated for a category in the First Annual Music Blog Awards. The public is free to vote. Also, DBT fan and blogger Largehearted Boy's website is up for an award, as well as another friend's site, An Aquarium Drunkard. Both blogs are fantastic music resources and I recommend you pay them a visit.
There's also a short little interview here with Patterson where he touches on the subjects of the great Alejandro Escovedo, and Jason Isbell leaving the band."
dbts : Message: Jason's Take on Danko/Manuel
Article on The Band, and interview with RRobertson, along with some thoughts by Jason on his song, Danko/Manuel.
"The Band has an influence on modern music that seems to be revealing itself more and more as time goes on," Isbell says. "I wrote 'Danko/Manuel' after reading a book about The Band called This Wheel's On Fire. Early on in the book, Levon Helm discusses finding Richard Manuel dead in his hotel room and the half-joking pact they'd made years before that if someone died on the road, they'd put him on ice and bring him home in a storage bay under the bus. That made me think a lot about the fragile nature of life on the road and the difference between the beautiful music Danko and Manuel made and the horrible ways they died."
Help, Jayne! I lost the link to this article.....
: "As far as writing processes go, Best also says he's stuck with what's worked. “The best tunes end up writing themselves. Sometimes I hear the melody attached to words that I may not understand until I finish writing the song,' he says. 'I find the best way that songs come to me is in the moments before I fall completely asleep, around 5 a.m. I have to get up and record it or write it down. Sometimes I don’t, then I’ll wake up and not remember anything… Sometimes a phrase comes attached with melody and I don’t know why. At some point, it finishes itself. Patterson [Hood of the Drive-by Truckers] and I have talked about this, and it might sound all flighty and zen, but the way the best songs happen has less to do with sitting down and writing songs and more about being ready to take it when one comes.”"
Check out Audra Brown, y'all:
Well, it took awhile to get the final details of the cd but now it is in production and it will be delivered on May 31...which just happens to be the day of my Official Memphis CD release party! It is hard to believe but one of my dreams has come true!! My CD release party will be at the world famous Hi-Tone Cafe here in Memphis on May 31. Doors open at 7, music at 8. Admission will be $5 or $10 to include a brand new cd!! Please check out the hi-tone at
Also playing with me that nite will be one of my favorite bands, Double Shovel!!! I am sooo lucky that they have agreed to play and support me. Some awesome talent, you can check out at
More details later but just know that there will be some special surprises that nite, including me playing some songs solo, some special guests and the debut of the Audra Brown Band, which includes me on guitar, and the awesome rhythm section of JD Reager (drums) and Eric Wilson (bass). Look out!!
I truly hope to see ALL of you there......
Shonna's brother and sister-in-law Tracy and Randy Tucker own a kennel. They raise some mighty fine labs. Check 'em out and give 'em drop them a line if you're in need of a good puppy.
Crimson Kennels
Our kennel is located on a 45 acre farm in Greenhill, AL. Greenhill is a small community approximately 15 miles outside the City of Florence. With 2 creeks and a pond, our farm is the perfect place for water loving labs.
Classical music I can get into....
Fistfight mars Boston Pops' opening night:
"BOSTON (Reuters) - A fistfight in the balcony stopped the music on opening night at the Boston Pops, drawing gasps from hundreds of well-heeled guests at one of the country's oldest and best-known city orchestras.
Famous for light classical music and family pop tunes from decades past, the orchestra briefly halted its performance on Wednesday evening as two men wrestled in the side balcony of the 107-year-old Symphony Hall.
Concert-goers looked up after a woman's scream interrupted a rendition of the Hollywood musical 'Gigi' about 20 minutes into the performance.
Shortly afterward, conductor Keith Lockhart stopped the orchestra with a motion of his hand as the murmuring crowd turned to watch the scuffle, apparently caused after one man told another guest to be quiet."
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That Drams link is:
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