Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Dirt Underneath SF Preview


Two of the most amazing shows I've ever seen.

Here's a few of the 1000 pictures I took over the past two nights. I'm working on a full post of pictures and a review of the onstage excellence and some back stage hilarity. Hopefully be finished for Friday... if not Monday for sure.

How about this setting....

How about this much fun....

How about this much booze...

How about Mr. Cooley. More on his fancy shirt later....

How about the preacher man....

How about Ms. Shonna and a stand up bass.... *droool*

How about this 'new' band taking it up a notch.....

"Lookin' out the window...."


Townser said...


AAW said...

Coming up, townser!

Mr. Beer N. Hockey said...

Treat photos! I know they'll make it further up the coast sooner or later.

AAW said...

They'll be up there sooner rather than later, Mr. BnH!

More photos coming today!