Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Po' Boy

Why we've allowed a bunch of white people to systematically destroy one of the grandest and most unique areas of this country over the past several years is a tragedy in and of itself.

Boat captain's suicide shows human toll of Gulf oil disaster:
"Allen Kruse tenderly kissed his wife goodbye just after sunrise Wednesday and headed to the docks in Gulf Shores, Ala., where his boat, The Rookie, was moored.

A charter boat captain for 25 years, Kruse had signed on as a BP contractor to spot oil, deploy boom and eventually learn how to skim oil. His business had come to a screeching halt after the April 20 oil spill.

About an hour later, Kruse was dead. He was 55, the father of 11- and 12-year-old boys, Cory and Ryan, and daughter Kelli, 26.

About 7 a.m., after a BP training meeting, he climbed into the wheelhouse of his 46-foot charter boat and ended his worry, his frustration and his anger with a single bullet to the head.

'Nothing was easy working with BP. Everything was hard, and it consumed him. He wasn't crazy,' said his wife, Tracy, 41, sitting outside the couple's home in Foley on Thursday."

It makes me nauseous thinking of the loss of all of the great NO dishes. New York, San Francisco, New Orleans: The top 3 foodie towns in the U.S. NO = eliminated.

City Brights: Yobie Benjamin : BP oil spill Corexit dispersants suspected in widespread crop damage

She's got my vote.

Julia Gillard risks Christian vote with doubts on God | The Australian:
"In a radio interview yesterday morning, Ms Gillard said that while she had been raised as a Baptist, she was now not religious and was not prepared to go through 'religious rituals' for the sake of appearances.

'I am, of course, a great respecter of religious beliefs, but they're not my beliefs,' Ms Gillard told ABC radio in Melbourne.

'For people of faith, I think the greatest compliment I could pay them is to respect their genuinely-held beliefs and not to engage in some pretence about mine.'"

Great interview.

Buzz Aldrin Is Not All That Impressed With Walking on the Moon | Little Gold Men | Vanity Fair:
"But you don’t interrupt Buzz Aldrin. For one thing, he once punched a reporter in the face for getting uppity. And also, have you ever walked on the Moon? No? Then why don’t you just shut the fuck up."

This was posted on Wes Freed's Facebook page. Some very cool pictures.

Hidden In An Abandoned Orphanage � Scouting NY


I'm "Da Crack Smoka". Yeah, not too apt. I enjoy the sleep too much.

The Original Gangsta Name Generator |


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