Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Put another log on the fire, boys....

Enron Founder Kenneth Lay Dies at 64 "... and he's in hell, now"
"Kenneth Lay, founder and vilified former chairman of scandal-ridden Enron Corp., died of a heart attack Wednesday morning. He was 64"
It is amazing how the worst news for this administration comes out on holidays or on Friday:

Bush Directed Cheney To Counter War Critic:
"President Bush told the special prosecutor in the CIA leak case that he directed Vice President Dick Cheney to personally lead an effort to counter allegations made by former Ambassador Joseph C. Wilson IV that his administration had misrepresented intelligence information to make the case to go to war with Iraq, according to people familiar with the president's interview."
Another Shoals resident fighting the good fight.

I Was Attacked By The National Republican Senatorial Committee (NRSC)!:
"Hey guys, let me introduce myself. My name is Chris D. Jackson. I am a 19 year old student at the University of North Alabama and just your average American teenager trying to make a difference in society.

From the time I was a small kid, I have been drawn to politics. And in recent years, I have harnessed that interest and put it to the test in the form of public service."
Larry the Cable Jackass... Posing, fake, motherfucker. Damn, I hate a carpetbagger...

It's Official!:
"As for 'anti-intellectual pride', that is Larry The Cable Guy in spades. Let me quote you again (from an on-line interview, 'I consider my jokes to be very jeuvinille (sic). Stuff a 14 year old would laugh at because that's the ...sence (sic) of humor I have.'. Hmmm, okay. That was easy.

Well, I suppose I've already covered part of that in the above. But you also specifically dumb down your speech while making hundreds of purposefully grammatical errors. How do I know this? It's on page 17 of your book wherein you describe how you would 'Larry' up your commentaries for radio. What does it mean to 'Larry' something up? Take a wild guess. The reason you feel the need to 'Larry' something up? Because you are not that dumb. I mean you, Dan Whitney, the guy who's name the bank account is under. You were born and raised in Nebraska (hardly The South), went to private school and moved to Florida when you were 16. This is when you developed your accent?! Not exactly the developmental years are they? At age 16 that's the kind of thing you have to make a concerted effort to adopt."

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