A couple of pictures and a show review from Tequila Brad.

Sunday night, workweek looming on the horizon, but Jason Isbell and the 400 Unit are finally in Denton, and there is no way I am gonna miss this one. Yeah, it's at Hailey's, but I'm going anyway. For those of you not familiar with this particular venue, let me try and explain. Most of you do know, that I try and video record the shows I attend. Hailey's is NOT video friendly. Imagine, if you will, trying to video, in a cave, with only nightlights for illumination. They DO have some spots, but they are trained at about groin level. So either they regularly have "little people" performing there, or perhaps they were having a "package parade" across the main stage, at some earlier point. Who knows?
All that aside, it was Jason Isbell, I HAD to go!! Centro put on a hell of a show, with Jason on guitar for their entire set. When it was time for Jason, he started with Down in a Hole, but the sound was awful. Did I mention that the sound at Hailey's usually sucks too? Then, after they fixed the low hum, they kicked into Grown, Never Gonna Change, Goddamn Lonely Love, and Try. Then Jason played In A Razor Town, and Dress Blues. He then turned the mic over to Browan Lollar for (I believe) Run Runaway. Then over to the keys for Chicago Promenade, with Scotty Danbom taking over about midway through the song, and then staying on for Danko Manuel. We were also treated to Outfit, Please Be With Me, Brand New Kind Of Actress. Jason sang a song by himself, but I didn't recognize it. If anyone else was there, and knows what it is, please let me know. Then Jason called up Scott and Brent for a rocking rendition of Atlantic City. Then they closed with a 10 minute long Decoration Day.
Every ass was thoroughly kicked, and sent home bruised and bleeding. Make sure to get out for your abuse, when Jason comes through your town, you deserve it!
Tequila Brad
Thankee, Brad!
Via Nine Bullets
Reverend Guitars:
"What are your top 5 favorite records? That's a tough one. In no particular order: 'Layla' by Derek and the Dominos 'In the Aeroplane Over the Sea' by Neutral Milk Hotel 'Exile on Main Street' by The Rolling Stones 'Led Zeppelin IV' 'Love You Just the Same' by Centro-Matic"
Tubage covers:
Goddamn Lonely Love
Goddamn Lonely Love
Decoration Day
Hilarity on the boards re: Zip City
Nine Bullets:
"OK... Price of gas in 1984: $1.21/gallon Round trip: 52 miles Total: $6.92 And she ain't puttin' out???!!!
Damn, when you look at the numbers like that, the price of not getting laid has SKYROCKETED!"
dbts : Message: Re:Allmans, DBTs and MOFRO
During the ABB band show, I looked over behind me and Shonna was standing there watching the ABB. Patterson showed up some few minutes later. I said thanks to Shonna for the DBT's keeping the spirit of real rock n roll alive and she returned the thanks. I also told her I would post to the list about the show and she said they keep up with the list as best they can from the road.
As for some of the other points, the DBT was strictly limited to the time they had on stage. Also, there is a noise ordinace and the ABB had to end at 11 PM. It was a great show all around as the ABB sounds as good as they have in years. Jessica was a tour de force with all elements of rock, blues, jazz and drumming integrated seamlessly. I'd love to see a date where the DBT and ABB would split up a 6 hour show. Now, that would be heaven.
Upcoming tour dates:
the Drams:
8/18/07 Springfield MO- The Snorty Horse
8/19/07 Newport KY- Southgate House
8/21/07 Nashville, TN- Five Spot (change of venue)
8/22/07 Knoxville, TN- Barley's Taproom
8/23/07 Huntsville, AL- Crossroads Cafe
8/24/07 Baton Rouge, LA- Chelsea's Cafe"
MySpace.com: Read Bulletin:
"So, this week we won the Atlantis People's Choice contest. They will decide another winner this week and starting next have a two week contest that will decide if we play in the Industry Face Off and/or play the SynchronicityLive.com showcase. In other news: This past weekend we played three shows in GA (Columbus, Macon & Harrison). We can't even thank EVERYBODY enough! Every time we go to GA it just gets better. We'll be seeing you guys all again in September. Again.... THANK YOU!"
MySpace.com: Read Bulletin:" We're playing the 1st Ever Gateway Music Festival in Mt. Sterling, KY on September 28, 2007. It's a new 4-day music/camping festival. Tickets for Thurs/Fri or Sat/Sun is $30 presale | $45 at the gate. 4 day passes are $50! There are a ton of bands playing, mostly up & coming artists, but also Seven Mary Three and Nappy Roots. Check out their MySpace through our Top Friends or go to their website at www.gatewaymusicfestival.com for more information on the location, other artists, etc."
MySpace.com: Read Bulletin:
"Hey everybody, If you live in the ATL area, let us know. We're playing a show at Smith's Olde Bar next month and have some tickets that we can send you. The more people we have there, the better. They'll be asking for feedback about the bands, so if we have a bunch of people there to see us it would help us out. Also, our friend Paul set us up with a page on last.fm. I've read about it before, but never used it until this week. It's cool software that tracks what you listen to in your audio players (Itunes, Winamp, Windows Media Player, etc). It will show you which artists and songs you listen to the most in a given week and give you recommendations of other artists to check out. http://www.last.fm/music/Lauderdale So if you use last.fm, it will now track Lauderdale! One last thing... we got a van last week, so we're gonna be booking some more shows out of town in the very near future. Let us know if you think you can help set us up with something in your town. Thanks! Corey -Lauderdale"
Creative News
" Want to donate to Nu�i's Space but don't have the $$? Here's how you can raise money without spending any of your own! SunTrust Bank will donate $100 to Nu�i's Space every time someone opens a new Personal or Business Checking account from now until October 12, 2007. Here's how it works: # Go to a SunTrust branch office and open your NEW SunTrust account # You must make at least one purchase on your new check card by November 15th. # After you've made at least one purchase, visit www.suntrust.com/mycause # Click on 'MyCause Redemption Form.' You have to fill this form out by November 15th. # Select 'Make $100 donation' # In order to select Nu�i's Space as your cause, in the Keyword field enter the word: Nuci # The Nu�i Phillips Memorial Foundation Inc will show up. # Click on Nu�i Phillips Memorial Foundation Inc. # Click on DONATE NOW Congrats! You've just donated $100 to Nu�i's Space without spending a DIME! "
dbts : Message: No DBT - Movie Spam:
I just got an email from our friend Walton Goggins (from The Shield, and The Accountant) that says to check out this movie:
I did, and it looks good, so I thought I'd share. It's good to support. -Jenn"
Nirvana's 'Nevermind' baby feels like a porn star:
"LOS ANGELES (AFP) - Nearly two decades after becoming the music world's most famous naked swimming baby, California high school student Spencer Elden says he feels like a porn star. ADVERTISEMENT The 17-year-old Los Angeles teenager was the centrepiece of one of the most iconic record sleeves of all time in 1991, when a photo of him swimming underwater graced the cover of Nirvana's hit album 'Nevermind.'"
Graceland Makes Way for Elvis Clones:
"MEMPHIS, Tenn. — Finally welcomed by Graceland after all these years, Elvis Presley impersonators need to keep one basic rule in mind _ respect the King. Managers of Presley's home in Memphis plan to anoint their first-ever official Elvis 'tribute artist' this week, as they mark the 30th anniversary of his death there. But they don't want tacky, they don't want kitschy and they don't want a ridiculous spoof."
Elvis fan dies during Graceland commemorations :
"MEMPHIS, Tennessee (AP) -- A woman was found dead near Graceland on Wednesday as thousands of fans filled the tourism complex to mark the 30th anniversary of Elvis Presley's death"
Violent Femmes embroiled in NY lawsuit:
"NEW YORK - Fresh off their latest tour, 1980s folk-punk favorites the Violent Femmes are headed for a surprise gig in federal court. ADVERTISEMENT Bassist Brian Ritchie sued lead vocalist Gordon Gano on Wednesday, saying he was deprived of credit for some of the group's songs and a proper accounting of its earnings. The lawsuit, filed in U.S. District Court in Manhattan, also accuses Gano of trashing the band's reputation by allowing its signature hit, 'Blister in the Sun,' to be used in a Wendy's commercial"
Pitchfork: Wu-Tang Cover Beatles With George Harrison's Son!?:
"Turns out the biggest Beatles news today isn't the John Lennon catalog going digital. It's the latest tidbit from the ever lively camp Wu. As the RZA revealed in a recent conversation with Rolling Stone, the Wu-Tang Clan will tackle a freakin' Beatles tune on their forthcoming longplayer, 8 Diagrams. And not just any Beatles tune-- 'While My Guitar Gently Weeps', which, last time I checked, doesn't exactly bring the motherfuckin' ruckus. Still, lest you think this some idle flight of Wu fancy, the Clan have stepped their game up, enlisting none other than Dhani Harrison-- the 29-year-old son of 'Guitar''s late scribe, George Harrison-- to play acoustic on the track. 'He's the biggest Wu-Tang fan in the world,' RZA enthused to Rolling Stone. 'He knew all the kung fu shit! That's deep! I told him I would be honored if he played his father’s song.'"
Amy in rehab for heroin - Latest - Showbiz - Mirror.co.uk:
"Amy, 23, was taken to hospital in the early hours after taking a cocktail of heroin, ecstasy, cocaine, the horse tranquilliser ketamine and booze."
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