Monday, May 05, 2008

AAW Fun(d) Raiser

UPDATE: The PayPal link doesn't seem to be working with Internet Explorer (shocking) but works just fine with FireFox. I'll work on getting an IE fix but I highly recommend a switch to FireFox for your browsing pleasure.

I come before you today, dear reader, hat in hand.

After being online for nearly 3 years (4 months shy of AAW's 3rd webiversary) I've decided to hold my first ever Alabama Ass Whuppin fund raiser. Actually, it was less of my decision and more of my car, my computer and my current employment situation's decision.

Without boring you with the gory details (it IS Monday and who wants some blogger begging for money and whoa'ing-is-me'ing their current whoas that aren't much different than the vast majority of Americans) allow me to take a moment to bore you with some of the gory details.

My 10 year old Chevy Cavalier committed suicide a couple of weeks ago on the 101 in Northern California. She could no longer take this hard driving Northern California lifestyle and threw a rod in her piston. One moment she was a worthy stead carrying her master where ever he needed. The next moment she was a worthless hunk of metal racking up towing costs that would make your mother blush.

The Chevy Cavalier will be donated to the Jacob's Heart Children's Cancer Support Services.

Next, my computer, my life-blood, my hobby and my connection to the many, many wonderful friends I've made through this blog and the DBT family, is showing signs of yearning for that great lap-top heaven in the sky. 3 1/2 years of yeoman's work and travel have taken their toll on my trusty Compaq and a replacement may soon be in order.

Lastly, I've embarked on a different career path this year. I've abandoned the administrative/corporate world to become a full time on-line teacher. The pay is not great but the opportunity to educate and encourage folks trying to get a leg up with a college degree brings satisfaction beyond the monetary. However, self satisfaction don't always pay the bills.

So here I am, dear reader, hat in hand.

Any spare dollars you could part with to help me become mobile again, keep me blogging and teaching would be an act of kindness so large that karma will surely smile down upon you.

Thank you for you time and consideration. Even if you aren't able to chip in at the moment I want to thank all of the readers/friends of this blog who have enriched my life beyond anything money could obtain.

UPDATE: The PayPal link doesn't seem to be working with Internet Explorer (shocking) but works just fine with FireFox. I'll work on getting an IE fix but I highly recommend a switch to FireFox for your browsing pleasure.




Click on the above link (Donate).

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