Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Alabama Getaway

Left hazy suicide note.... Jumped out of his plane and parachuted to the ground in Alabama.... Plane left flying unmanned.... crashes into swamp near homes... hidden motorcycle....

Oh yeah, this one has it all. If only a white girl had been kidnapped, along with, all of your TV news media could run it 24/7.

Marcus Schrenker, Hedge Funder Who Allegedly Tried To Fake His Own Death, Hid Motorcycle In Alabama (VIDEO):

"NDIANAPOLIS -- Federal marshals on Tuesday pressed their search for an investment manager they believe faked a distress call before parachuting from his plane over Alabama and disappeared on a motorcycle he had stashed in advance."

It is rare when any Democratic legislative body pulls off something this good.

But I'm not sure why the Repubs in Tennessee are calling him a liar. He pledged to vote for a Republican and he did. Just happens that he voted for himself.

Naifeh Outflanks Republicans On House Speaker - Breaking News -

"Republicans finally got a Speaker of the House, but not the one they wanted on Tuesday afternoon. Republican Kent Williams of Carter County voted for himself and got the support of all 49 Democrats to hold off Rep. Mumpower, who was the expected choice.

Republicans booed as the votes were tallied and they realized that Democrats, under former long time House Speaker Jimmy Naifeh, had engineered the surprise maneuver.

All 50 Republicans, including Rep. Williams, had signed a pledge agreeing to vote for a Republican for House Speaker.

Some GOP members called Rep. Williams a 'liar' and other epithets."
More on the reasoning for the move:

Daily Kos: State of the Nation:

"In the last election, a bunch of belligerent right-wing radicals tried to bully Rep. Williams (a moderate) into taking far-right stands -- going so far as to threaten boycotts on his family business, etc.

Well, Rep. Williams had had enough of bullies and blowhards destroying the Republican Party from within. And the Democrats knew it. So the Democrats approached Rep. Williams about being the new House Speaker."

This is how you make light rail work in a city that is car based.

Provide a map to all of the drinking establishments along the route.

Light Rail Beer | Find Bars Near the Phoenix Light Rail. Get Home Safely.



Student auctions off virginity for offers of more than �2.5 million - Telegraph


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