Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Bush's Words on Iraq Echo LBJ in 1967

LBJ on Vietnam:
""Our nation was not born easily. There were times in those years of the 18th century when it seemed as if we might not be born at all... "Given that background, we ought not to be astonished that this struggle in Vietnam continues....We ought not to be astonished that that nation, wracked by a war of insurgency and beset by its neighbors to the north, has not already emerged, full-blown, as a perfect model of two-party democracy."

Bush on Irag:

"Like our own nation's founders over two centuries ago, the Iraqis are grappling with difficult issues, such as the role of the federal government. What is important is that Iraqis are now addressing these issues through debate and discussion — not at the barrel of a gun."

LBJ on Vietnam:
"What happens in Vietnam is extremely important to the nation's freedom and it is extremely important to the United States' security..."

Bush on Irag:
"We're laying the foundation of peace for generations to come. We're defeating the terrorists in a place like Iraq so we don't have to face them here at home. And, as well, we're spreading democracy and freedom to parts of the world that are desperate for democracy and freedom."

LBJ on Vietnam:

"Be assured that the death of your son will have meaning," Johnson told the parents of a posthumous recipient of the Medal of Honor during a Rose Garden ceremony on April 6, 1967. "For I give you also my solemn pledge that our country will persist — and will prevail — in the cause for which your boy died."

Bush on Irag:
"These brave men and women gave their lives for a cause that is just and necessary for the security of our country, and now we will honor their sacrifice by completing their mission."

Bush's Words on Iraq Echo LBJ in 1967 - Yahoo! News

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