A recent example is the good natured, big brotherly love showed towards MaddyC, one of our younger (though wise beyond her years) posters but one of our biggest DBT supporters. (She wrote an excellent review of her first DBT show here). MaddyC had a little experience with a drunkard standing behind her during the show. Nothing too serious, just a drunk DBTer being a drunken DBTer. But there was a palpable gnashing of teeth by some on the Yahoo Board who just wished they had of been there in order to make sure the drunkard didn't get too out of line with our girl MaddyC. It was endearing example of how we take care of our own around the DBT parts.
Another example is the utter lack of peronal conjecture that is allowed on either posting board. When a newbie comes along and inquires about the state of mind/marriage/or misery of a band member, they are firmly informed that those types of question or comments are out of bounds.
I really dig the attitude of ownership, pride and protectiveness the core fans constantly show for the band and each other.
With that said and those examples, I want to start this post not with tales and pictures from the show but with a few mentions of people in the DBT family who could use our collective support. We've shown New West and various venues around the nation that we can be an economic and marketing force when we get behind something DBT related. So let's type, submit, and purchase in an effort to spread that love and support far and wide.
Let's go be patrons of the arts, shall we?
"We got good help down in Franklin County..."
Steve Richerson AKA Steve Trash.
Check out today's article in the TimesDaily featuring Steve.
Steve is Jenn B.'s stepdad. I had the pleasure of meeting him and Jenn's mom Dianne at their home in Frog Pond, Alabama located in Franklin County. More on that in a later post.
Steve is a multi-talent magician, actor, comedian, filmmaker, educator, environmentalist and tour guide. I mean, look at this man's work space. It is a veritable fun house.
How can you not have fun with Steve?
He's donating his time and energy today doing magic for Sabina's Benefit which Patterson, Cooley and EZB will be working tomorrow at Nuci's Space.
Steve tours the country as Steve Trash, educating children on the importance of recycling and taking care of the environment as well as just entertaining the snot out of 'em.
If you know of an organization or school that would be interested in Steve go to his website and contact him. Steve Trash.
Steve's also a Fast 50 Nominee over at Fast Company. Click this link and show a member of the DBT family some love by rating him as a 10 and by leaving a nice comment.
Will Johnson - Centro-Matic
We love those motion picture thingys, don't we? And we LOVE Centro-Matic!!!
So put this on your radar and when it is out, go see it!
Via Jenn B.
Will Johnson and his teal four-wheeler:
We love those motion picture thingys, don't we? And we LOVE Centro-Matic!!!
So put this on your radar and when it is out, go see it!
Via Jenn B.
Will Johnson and his teal four-wheeler:
"Check this out - it's the new movie trailer for the film Will Johnson from Centro-Matic is in. Looks hilarious! God I can't wait for New Year's
Patterson is producing this band and I've been listening to 'em for a couple of days now.
I'm loving Naked Ground.
They've got a new album coming out in February called Hardware Healing. Go buy it and their other albums.
Here's their web page that has some free listens on it along with their Myspace page.
Adam Smith
I had the pleasure of meeting Adam Smith during the Thanksgiving show. As a newbie photographer I hope to get some pointers from him one of these days. He does some awesome work and has snapped some of my favorite pictures of DBT.
Give his website a look and throw him some business.
Give his website a look and throw him some business.
These are just a few members of the DBT family we can support with our referrals, dollars and clicks.
Further in the post I've got some info on Patterson sister, Lilla and her design company plus some info on a record that'll be coming soon from EZB's wife Kimberly Morgan.
If I've forgotten anybody let me know and I'll be sure to highlight them in a future post. This one was a bitch to get up in a week after a long holiday and mounds of work at the office but Jenn scolded me that this post better not take as long as the 3rd installment of the Fillmore posts took. And what Jenn says, goes.... period!
Further in the post I've got some info on Patterson sister, Lilla and her design company plus some info on a record that'll be coming soon from EZB's wife Kimberly Morgan.
If I've forgotten anybody let me know and I'll be sure to highlight them in a future post. This one was a bitch to get up in a week after a long holiday and mounds of work at the office but Jenn scolded me that this post better not take as long as the 3rd installment of the Fillmore posts took. And what Jenn says, goes.... period!
I do have some tales from the night but I'll save them for another post. I took a ton of pictures that warrant multiple post and I've already used up my talking time on this one.
In the future I'll also have another DBT Lyrics Tour. Be on the look out.
Also, Steve took some AWESOME digi footage of the Thanksgiving show and, hopefully, that will be cut and see the light of day in the near future. Here's Steve with his kickass camera.
In the future I'll also have another DBT Lyrics Tour. Be on the look out.
Also, Steve took some AWESOME digi footage of the Thanksgiving show and, hopefully, that will be cut and see the light of day in the near future. Here's Steve with his kickass camera.
I'm mean, some really fine pornos are created in the San Fernando Valley with this type of camera, so.... high end, baby!
OK, without further adeu, The Drive-by Truckers, Live, at the Alabama Theatre, 11/25/06.
Like I tell the ladies, click 'em (a picture) and it gets BIG.
Like I tell the ladies, click 'em (a picture) and it gets BIG.
Steve and I doing the filming of the filming pre show.
The lobby before the show
This was a camera goof because the Theatre didn't have this coloring. Pretty cool, though.
Purdy Road Cases
Ladies and Gents, The Drive-by Truckers
... and Mike Cooley
.... Mr. Jason Isbell
.... the lovely and so talented Shonna Tucker.
.... and the bad ass beat keeper, Brad Morgan.
Here's Adam Smith. I figured I'd snap a couple of photos of a real photographer in action.
A few crowd shots.
That's the Dexateen's drummer, Craig Pickering, in the green and white shirt. I met him backstage though he did tell his name was 'Sweet' something or the other.
Fans in line for a drank:
Ladies of the DBT family.
To the left we have Lilla Hood, Patterson's sister and art director for all of DBT's albums, and to the right Kimberly Morgan, The EZB's wife and country singer extraordinaire.Lilla recently started her own creative design company called Hood Creative. She's based out of Birmingham. She does AWESOME work. Just check any DBT album packaging to confirm. I'll see if Lilla will allow me to post her email for those folks who are in need of some design work but in the meantime, shoot me an email and I'll forward it along.
Kimberly Morgan will be releasing a solo album hopefully in January. Keep checking back here for more info. It will be a mighty fine listen. I got a taste of it during Cooley's birthday party.
Two generations of the best Alabama has to offer: Ms. Jenn Bryant and her mom Dianne Richerson. Wanna see Cooley melt like a little boy? Put Dianne in front of him. She is one awesome lady, let me tell you! And Jenn..... much, much, much, much love!
Homecoming Concert, Indeed! Alabama Represents!!

This was my first time out with my new SLR camera. I took about 500 photos at this show. The first 200 were total crap but after that I did start to get the hang of it. I'm totally addicted now so if you know any band that's gonna be in the Bay Area and they want some free photographer let me know. I need the practice!
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