What an amazing show. I've seen 'em so many times but nothing like last night.
So many freakin' great great great people involved with the band and fans of the band.
I'm beside myself at the moment.
Here are some preview pics. It'll take me a few days to get all of this edited. Look for a post early next week.
I'll have some in-store shots from today up tomorrow.
Oh, and the venue, The Mezzanine, was first freakin' class.
I'll be responding to all the comments and emails this weekend. Thanks to all who dropped a comment/email over the last 24 hours.
Did I say how much I love DBT and all who love DBT?
Special note to Kimberly Morgan below.

Mrs EZB: I have a special note to you from your badass drummer husband. He wanted me to tell you Happy Valentine's Day and that he loves and misses you.
Great shots. Can't wait for the review.
mancrushingly yours,
Aw, Thank you for the special delivery. Hope you had a fantastic time last night! I sure do love your city...miss it terribly!
Happy Valentine's Day to you too!
T: Coming your way today.
Kimberly: Hey future mama! My pleasure on delivering much love to you from yours on V-Day. Show was amazing. You and the fam will have to come visit!
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