(Here's Part 1. Some additional pics on AAW's MySpace.)
Okay, here we go....
Here is the set list from the evening courtesy of Miss Jayne.
My buddy Rich and I got to the venue early after a few beers and some grub at 4th Street Bar and Grill.
Matador had graciously set us up with some passes that would allow us to sneak around back stage.
The Mezzanine's facilities are 1st class. The back stage area has its own mezzanine section separate from the rest of the venue. One could call it a VIP area but since I had access to it it was more of a Not-so VIP. This place had leather couches and chairs, stools that run along a bar on the railing, and its own wide screen plasma that broadcast the show live. The green rooms were decked out in dark tones, leather sofas and chairs, and an incredible bathroom with fancy new age sinks and a sporty shower. Really nice place compared to some of the more grittier back stages areas.
Rich and I were the first ones to reach the backstage mezz so we staked out our seats on the railing and sat there giggling to our selves at our sweet seats and crazy ass luck.
Kimtucky called soon after and I went outside to give her her pass and to escort her to the sweet seats.
Once the show started I lost myself in an orgy of rock and roll.

Here is a picture of the big screen TV in the backstage mezz area.

Rock challenge!

It takes skill to rock on one leg.

I love the look on the face of the girl in the grey t-shirt.

"Fuck Luckenbach! Come drink with us!!"

Here's the mystery bottle of booze that was being passed around on stage. I was perplexed the entire night by what this was. Obviously, it doesn't look like a Jack Daniels bottle. Someone on Ninebullets proffered that it was a bottle of Crown Royal.
Fortunately... and what turned out to one of the coolest moments of the night... or hell, the coolest moment of ANY DBT concert I've ever been too.... I was able to first hand determine what the bottle was.
During the last song of the evening (Buttholeville-State Trooper-Buttholeville) I was completely in the throws of a Rock and Roll religious experience. Damn near speaking in tongues (and, yes, I do have relatives in the back woods of Alabama who do speak in tongues. Those were some odd ass funerals when I was a little one). Eyes closed, arms thrust in the air, feeling the music so deep down in my core.
Suddenly I felt a presence. I opened my eyes to find Patterson standing directly below us passing the bottle to my buddy Rich. Rich takes a slug and passes the bottle to me. I take a slug and pass it to Kimtucky who slugs then hands it back to me. Before I hand the bottle back to Patterson I twisted it around to see the label. It was Jack Daniels Reserve. So smooth.
So a spectacular show ends with a sip from the stage bottle. Too freakin' cool.
Fortunately... and what turned out to one of the coolest moments of the night... or hell, the coolest moment of ANY DBT concert I've ever been too.... I was able to first hand determine what the bottle was.
During the last song of the evening (Buttholeville-State Trooper-Buttholeville) I was completely in the throws of a Rock and Roll religious experience. Damn near speaking in tongues (and, yes, I do have relatives in the back woods of Alabama who do speak in tongues. Those were some odd ass funerals when I was a little one). Eyes closed, arms thrust in the air, feeling the music so deep down in my core.
Suddenly I felt a presence. I opened my eyes to find Patterson standing directly below us passing the bottle to my buddy Rich. Rich takes a slug and passes the bottle to me. I take a slug and pass it to Kimtucky who slugs then hands it back to me. Before I hand the bottle back to Patterson I twisted it around to see the label. It was Jack Daniels Reserve. So smooth.
So a spectacular show ends with a sip from the stage bottle. Too freakin' cool.
"Comin' home with a bottle, tryin' not to break the seal."

Arty crowd shot.

Forget Neff's pedal steel abilities (which are freakin' genius). Neff is one of the best guitarist I've ever seen. But I think he needs to incorporate the "Jess Barr Finger Twirl" into his act when he finishes a blistering solo.

Speaking of Jess Barr, I ran into Drams friend and all around cool dude Ryan back stage. Ryan works at Siduri Wines. If you are ever in Sonoma County, CA be sure to drop by there winery for some excellent Pinot.
Ryan, if you read this shoot me an email at alabamaasswhuppin@att.net
Also, anyone else I chatted with in the back stage Mezz shoot me an email at the same addy. We didn't get to finish our convo due to the Rock.
Ryan, if you read this shoot me an email at alabamaasswhuppin@att.net
Also, anyone else I chatted with in the back stage Mezz shoot me an email at the same addy. We didn't get to finish our convo due to the Rock.

After the scene died and the band collected in the green room I found myself seated next to Spooner and the EZB on a couch. I chatted with them for a while before Patterson plopped himself down next to me with a very wear smile on his face. Great conversations with him and Shonna.
Patterson Hood is Superman, y'all. This man was battling a flu bug that had left him with hardly a speaking voice. You would have never of noticed this on stage. He belted out the rock like he was as healthy as a horse. His vocal chords must be made of titanium or something to be able to put on the rock show that he did. Patterson is my hero, y'all.
We said out goodbyes and by 2 a.m. we were in a cab heading home.
The next day I drug myself solo over to Berkely for the in-store show.
Here's the set list from the in-store.
I was feeling rough. I mean, rough from the night before.
Patterson asked the crowed in Amoeba how they were doing. Someone shouted "Hung over from last night". Patterson agreed and stated "Yeah, someone slipped something into my drink last night... I think it was whiskey".
I hung out with Craig (the merch guy) before, during and after the show. What a great guy.
Also spent some time getting to know Justin (one of the techs). Another great guy. We both agreed that if you think of something really sick and wrong that you KNOW will offend just about everyone you know then the only person to call/email with it is Shayne. BUT, you do run the risk of Shayne topping it.
I also got to chat with Shonna some more after the in-store. Patterson and Cooley better be careful cause Shonna could be full time fronting this band very soon. I've never seen her with so much confidence which has translated to her stage presence and playing. She's always been great, but there's something else about her now on stage. What a presence.
Patterson Hood is Superman, y'all. This man was battling a flu bug that had left him with hardly a speaking voice. You would have never of noticed this on stage. He belted out the rock like he was as healthy as a horse. His vocal chords must be made of titanium or something to be able to put on the rock show that he did. Patterson is my hero, y'all.
We said out goodbyes and by 2 a.m. we were in a cab heading home.
The next day I drug myself solo over to Berkely for the in-store show.
Here's the set list from the in-store.
I was feeling rough. I mean, rough from the night before.
Patterson asked the crowed in Amoeba how they were doing. Someone shouted "Hung over from last night". Patterson agreed and stated "Yeah, someone slipped something into my drink last night... I think it was whiskey".
I hung out with Craig (the merch guy) before, during and after the show. What a great guy.
Also spent some time getting to know Justin (one of the techs). Another great guy. We both agreed that if you think of something really sick and wrong that you KNOW will offend just about everyone you know then the only person to call/email with it is Shayne. BUT, you do run the risk of Shayne topping it.
I also got to chat with Shonna some more after the in-store. Patterson and Cooley better be careful cause Shonna could be full time fronting this band very soon. I've never seen her with so much confidence which has translated to her stage presence and playing. She's always been great, but there's something else about her now on stage. What a presence.

A cool building next door to Amoeba in Berkeley.

Here's Spooner having his picture taken by Shonna with a nice DBT fan and her baby with a little baby wrinkle in her forward. Something tells me "there's a fit about to be thrown".

DBT is the best band out there. They keep getting better just when I think that there's no way for the band to get any better. The amaze me every time I see them live.
Thank you DBT. Thank you Matador and Craig and Justin.
Fans, y'all take good care of them on this leg of the tour. Raise hell, buy merch and go have your own Rock Religious Experience.
I love this band. I love all those who support this band. I love all of the fans of the band. The Best Group of Folks, Ever.
Dude, that's wicked. Must say I'm very jealous. Haven't been to a concert in a couple of years now - bands just don't stir me up to go see them live, but DBT would definitely do it.
BTCD is growing along at a rapid rate - like I knew it would. Like all great things you've just gotta give 'em time.
Some great pics and a slug off the JD's - sweet.
You know this is just giving your 'anonymous' reader more ammo don'tcha? LOL.
DBT sound like a great bunch of folks.
Gracias, ABAT. I'm not a concert hound myself. DBT and a few others will get me away from the computer.
DBT's live show sets me off, man. I just lose myself during a set. It truly is the greatest rock show on earth.
I finally removed BTCD from my car cd player. But I replaced it with a copy of Patterson and Cooley's old band's yet to be released record, Town Burned Down. TBD. DBT? Coincidence?
We should trade off, ABAT. Next time DBT is on the West Coast you should fly over and catch the show with me. In return, I'll come to NZ because... you live in freakin' NZ, man!
Oh, and don't worry about Anon. I took some of that DBT money and hired a bunch of goons. Anon won't be bothering AAW for a long time.
townswer: Danka, man. Twas quite the blast. And you are right, I am a lucky bastard! ;-)
Watch yourself mate - I might just take you up on that! I ain't figuring on them getting to NZ anytime soon, so a jaunt to the States is a possibility. Especially to catch DBT live.
Pity you're not down here at the moment - we've got a festival called Americarna on here all this week. Over 800 American muscle cars and hot rods cruizing around the Taranaki province with live bands, hot dogs, beer and all the cheerleaders you can shake your stick at. LOL. Second year it's been on and again there have even been quite a few show cars shipped over from the States just for a few days. When the whole convoy is on the move it takes about 20 minutes to cruise past.
I'm glad to see you're spending that DBT cash wisely. Big classy goons or just lots of little ones? There's always the quality vs quantity issue when it comes to goons.
That's a standing offer, ABAT. Anytime, my friend. You must see the rock show live.
Oh man, that festival sounds SWEET! Cars, beer, dogs, cheerleaders, music?! What else could one want?
Oh, I got the top of the line goons. I even hired famous actors who play goons on the big screen. I'm rolling in DBT dough.
Ahhh, the baubles of fame and DBT cash - still, with the rampant rise of taco robbery, you're going to need 'em.
Most of our goons are already employed by the Police force, so pickings are slim, but like the rest of the world we're catching on to cheap Chinese imports.
Sadly they often contains parts that may break off and can be harmful if swallowed (or very trippy depending on the brand). Damned cheap goons!
I broached the subject of a trip to the States to see DBT with my lady last night. Not surprisingly she said: "you can't turn that down, you've gotta go.". God, I love that woman. I've managed to sell her on DBT over the past few years. Decoration Day still being her favourite album.
She's still amazed that she could get into country rock (ala DBT, Johnny Cash, Bloodkin) - being an old-school ABBA and Seal fan.
Taco robberies... fake DBT money... What has the U.S. become?!?
I tried to find some of those trippy dot Chinese toys for my, um, personal use, but they had already pulled them from the shelf. Hey, a cheap buzz, is a cheap buzz.
You've got a good woman there, ABAT. Does she have a sister? The offer stands.
I promise the long flight will be well worth the Rock Show!
Great blog, great band. Looks like you had an amazing time. And anybody that makes a Todd Snider reference has got to know their shit.
Peace, Love, and Anarchy,
Thanks Muddyg and agreed. Great band!
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